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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Productivity

Your Step-by-Step Plan for Organizing Every Part of Your Professional Life This Year

We’re betting you could probably use a little more organization in your life. Because the more together you (and your belongings) are, the easier it is to do your job and push your career forward.

Below is a no-BS, step-by-step guide to organizing every part of your life. Even better? Every article comes from the dedicated experts here at The Daily Muse—meaning you can trust all of this advice. So get ready, dive in, and become the person The Container Store wants you to be.

Step 1: Clean Your Desk and Make it a Place You Want to Work

We’ll start with the basics: where you work every day. Make sure it’s clean, neat, and inspiring. Here’s what we suggest you start with:

Step 2: Reclaim Your Computer

The overcluttered icons on your desktop and random folders are seriously crowding your computer. Don’t forget: Your online space needs to be clean, too.

Step 3: Reach Out to Your Network

It’s time to get your social life in order, specifically your professional social life.

Step 4: Refresh Your Inbox

“My inbox is already so pristine 24/7,” said (almost) no one ever. Learn tips and tricks that work for you—so that you can conquer your email (instead of the other way around).

Step 5: Reinvigorate Your To-Do Lists

Figuring out the perfect to-do list strategy may take time, but it’ll totally be worth it when you’re getting through your agenda like a champ.

Step 6: Rethink Your Career Goals

It’s time to kick your goal-setting into high gear.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your new, organized life going!

Photo of woman at desk courtesy of Shutterstock.