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Advice / Job Search / Networking

What Your Job Search IQ Says About Your Chances of Getting a New Job

This is the month you’re going to land your dream job! (Well, that’s the goal, anyway.)

Do you wish you could just pull a Magic 8 Ball out of storage, shake it up, and find out what your chances are? The good news is, we’re here to give you a peek into your future. And the better news is that none of our answers are “Reply hazy. Try again.”

Just how are we going to tell you your future? Well, as you know, how you conduct yourself on the job search is a pretty big predictor of whether or not you’ll move ahead in a hiring process. So go ahead, strut your stuff and give us your best answers. If you score anything less than a 100%, check out our additional resources below (no peeking!).

Additional Resources

Want more info on the job search tips we revealed in the quiz? Read on.

1. Reaching Out to Your Network

Yes, you should tell your key contacts you’re looking for a job, but no, you may not want to tell everyone. To start, try sending targeted emails to trusted connections in your desired field. We have the rules for reaching out without upsetting your current boss, suggestions for using contacts to get back to your old field, and templates for emails you can send regardless of your relationship.

2. Trimming Down Your Resume

Unless you’re applying to a federal position or a senior-level job, you should keep your resume to one page. Need help trimming yours down? Read this.

3. Applying to a Reasonable Number of Jobs

Feeling nervous about choosing quality over quantity? Muse writer Kristen Walker lays out a great strategy in “How to Apply for Fewer Jobs But Land More Interviews.” And if you need more proof that the focused approach works, read this true story.

4. Best (and Worst!) Cover Letter Lines

Please, refrain from saying anything like this, this, or this. Instead, check out this template that walks you through the process of writing your cover letter step-by-step.

5. Following Up With a Company

Waiting to hear about a job can be nerve-racking. But you can (and should!) follow up—just try an email like this. Oh, and make sure to skip any of these lines.

6. Interview Etiquette

Believe it or not, social media can give you an edge when you’re picking an interview outfit. Plus: You can learn more about timing here, canned answers here, and how the rules have changed here.

7. Asking Interview Questions

First, check out these questions you should ask, and then read this article about what you shouldn’t. Bonus: Look here and here for questions to help you determine company culture.

8. Sending a Thank You Note

You know you need to send a thank you note. (If you didn’t, read this—stat!) Here’s a template with exactly what to write.

9. Contacting References

Unsure how to ask someone to serve as a reference? Learn the basics here. Also, don’t miss out on how following up can be a game changer.

10. Replying to an Offer

First, don’t get in your own way and ruin the excitement of the offer. Next, look here for your first steps, here for advice on negotiating your offer, and here if you need to turn it down (gracefully).

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock.