When it’s 8 AM and you open up your inbox to find 50 important emails that need answering ASAP, you probably want to close the tab, crawl under your desk, and refuse to come out until all of those messages magically answer themselves.
Don’t hit the panic button quite yet, because getting through your inbox doesn’t have to be that scary or scarring. With just a few quick tips, you could be the Inbox Zero champion of your office.
- Apply the “touch it once” principle to your inbox: Decide how you’re going to handle every email on the spot, instead of postponing the inevitable. (Asian Efficiency)
- Email is not always the best medium for communication. Figure out if a phone call, Gchat, or just a quick stop by someone’s desk would better solve the problem. (Lifehack)
- Perpetually leaving your inbox open could lead to anxiety and stress, so schedule chunks of time in your day to answer emails. Then log out for the rest of the workday. (Fast Company)
- Make quick responses a priority. Doing so will allow you to write shorter emails and spend less time in your inbox. (99U)
- Not sure what to prioritize if too many emails need a fast response? Matt Gemmell has broken down the art of answering emails realistically. (Matt Gemmell)
- Take the time to create folders or labels for your emails. This will keep your inbox organized and prevent you from feeling like you’re heading into battle every time you log in. (Real Simple)
- One of Ivanka Trump’s tips for managing that inbox? Unsubscribe more than you subscribe. In other words, be picky. (Fortune)
- It sounds simple, but not enough people do it: If you want to receive fewer emails, send fewer emails. (LinkedIn)
- Inbox Zero isn’t the only email strategy, so be sure to learn the other three tactics for getting through messages. (The Daily Muse)