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Data Scientist Salaries near Seattle, WA

Average Base Salary


Min: $46KMax: $208K

Seattle, WA is not only a stunning city with breathtaking views of the Puget Sound and the Cascade Mountains, but it is also a burgeoning hub for technology and innovation. For those looking to break into the field of data science, Seattle offers a wealth of opportunities. With companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Boeing calling the Emerald City home, there is a constant demand for skilled data scientists. This means that if you have a knack for numbers, a passion for problem-solving, and a love for learning, you'll find yourself in high demand in Seattle. In addition to industry-leading companies, Seattle is also home to a thriving startup scene, providing even more opportunities for data science professionals to make an impact. So, whether you're just starting your career or looking for a change, Seattle is the place to be for data scientists who want to make a mark in this exciting, cutting-edge field.

Data Scientist Jobs near Seattle, WA