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Senior DevOps Engineer

AT HomeAdvisor

Senior DevOps Engineer


At HomeAdvisor our Engineering organization is driven by innovation and teamwork. We are motivated by new challenges every day to solve unique problems while setting the standard for the home services marketplace. Our co-workers are our collaborators, our teammates and everyone has the opportunity to contribute and build.

As a Senior DevOps Engineer and member of the DevOps team, you will help create infrastructure that allows a rapidly expanding company to streamline its development and deployment strategies. You will be responsible for helping to scale out our infrastructure by writing automation recipes which will help monitor systems, execute backups and automate day to day tasks.

We have an Agile (SCRUM) based team environment and release frequently. Your goal is to work hand-in-hand with experts from product development, operations and software testing to deliver HomeAdvisor software quickly and reliably to customers, both internal and external.

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As a Senior D evOps Engineer , you'll be responsible for:
  • Leading developer owned s oftware release s on a daily basis
  • Work ing to create continuous delivery pipeline to automatically push code through the environments
  • Deploy ing , debug ging and optimiz ing dev, test and production VM's consisting of Linux, Apache, Tomcat
  • Work ing with the team to own and maintain the production infrastructure - patches, backups, upgrades, AMI's, and security
  • Leading the creation of tools to allow development teams to self-serve their platform needs
  • Partner with developers and participation in the development process
  • Continuously iterat ing and improv ing our systems
  • Creat ing documentation for supported systems and services
  • Participat ing in on-call, and shar ing in off-hours maintenance work

The folks in this role are usually successful when they have 4+ years of experience in:
  • Hands on experience with K8's and EKS clusters
  • Software release
  • A t least one virtual hosting environment, preferably AWS
  • C ontinuous integration tools, such as Jenkins, Bamboo, etc.
  • C ontainerization tools, such as Docker
  • A utomation tool s (Puppet, Chef, Ansible, etc.)
  • Working in version control, especially with Git and Gitlab
  • Excellent troubleshooting skills
  • W ork ing among multiple teams and communicat ing effectively to both technical and non-technical teammates

Bonus points if you have :
  • History of professional growth, collaboration and excellent communication skills
  • Experience in a fast-paced, demanding DevOps environment that requires collaboration

About Us:

At HomeAdvisor we create the digital tools and services that empower millions of service professionals to connect with hundreds of millions of homeowners. We are a dual sided marketplace that nurtures growth of the independent small business and delivers a seamless experience in home improvement. As #1 in the Homeservices category, our tremendous scale is the launchpad to boundless inventions in technology and product!

HomeAdvisor is the self-contained operating business of ANGI Homeservices (NASDAQ: ANGI), a federation of spirited technology companies that build for a better economy. In 2017, Angie's List and HomeAdvisor combined to create the world's largest Homeservices marketplace. We love the software that we invent, the millions of service professionals whom we empower and the hundreds of millions of homeowners whose lives we beautify. As a purposeful technology company, we foster a culture of collaboration, and nurture growth through innovation. We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We are proud to be recognized as a Top Workplace in Denver for 6 years and counting!

Job ID: HomeAdvisor-5137706002
Employment Type: Other