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Mobile Software Development Manager

AT HomeAdvisor

Mobile Software Development Manager

Denver, CO

At HomeAdvisor, we are revolutionizing the way that every American homeowner improves and maintains their home. We do this by creating digital products and experiences to help hundreds of millions of homeowners connect with talented service professionals to get work done. We are a two-sided marketplace that is reimagining how people care for and improve their homes while also nurturing growth of independent small businesses. As #1 in the Homeservices category, our tremendous scale is the launchpad to boundless inventions in technology and product!

As an Mobile Engineering Manager for our mobile team at HomeAdvisor, you'll have the chance to enhance and improve apps directed towards our service professionals and homeowners:

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- Our Service Provider network surpassed 250k pre-screened home service professionals. Currently, about 85% of our pro network uses the Service Provider app daily and it is the heart of our company's success.
- Our award winning Homeowner app is used by HomeAdvisor's most loyal customer to find and book trusted home pros, keep track of favorite pros and manage new projects. Our goal is to provide our homeowner and service professional customers with best-in-class app experiences, all while driving value for HomeAdvisor.

If the following sounds like you or who you'd love to be, then we should talk!

As an SDEM, you will be responsible for:
  • Building a robust and innovative team of software development engineers - growing people as you grow our business and technology
  • Helping us establish a diverse and inclusive organization based upon safety and contribution while supporting your peers and the teams they support
  • Fostering a positive, supportive, and fun work environment while providing opportunity for team members to try new roles and take on new responsibilities
  • Delivering products that help service professionals do the work they love and that help homeowners save time while owning your team's code and deliverables beyond their deployment
  • Owning the of ins and outs of a system that is constantly learning, growing, and evolving while ensuring the quality of our products and the business continuity of our systems
  • Learning about new ways to build amazing software, systems and people by actively participating in a culture of Collaboration, Innovation, Delivery and Caring
  • Growing as a leader and a technologist through coaching and feedback from your leaders and peers while helping us reimagine and improve our culture, our practices, and our future
  • Partnering with passionate Product, QA and UX counterparts to deliver awesomeness and continuously evaluate the best way to deliver short-term and long-term solutions
  • Discovering new ways to make life easier for your team and our customers
  • Mentoring growing juniors, curious peers and engaged leaders

The folks in this role are usually successful when they are:
  • Able to lead a full stack mobile application team
  • Applying an MVP mindset to solving problems and negotiating deliverables
  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • Coaching teammates in both technology and culture from a position of experience
  • Diving into a tough problem with confidence and a collaborative attitude
  • Learning from, teaching, and making smart compromises with business and tech owners to find the right solution for the business
  • Open to coaching and possessing a desire for personal and professional growth

Great candidates for this role have a few years' experience with a few of the following:
  • Building People and Teams: Servant leadership, empowered teams, collaborative work practices
  • Mobile application development for iOS (Swift) and/or Android (Kotlin/Java)
  • System design with Java, C#, JavaScript, or any other popular production language
  • Presenting their ideas to internal and external audiences
  • Test Driven Development: AAA Unit test, BDD Requirements, System Verification
  • Automated Testing: Espresso, UI Automator, XCTest, XCUITest, JUnit, Spock
  • Delivering: CI/CD, Multiple Environments, Agile, Lean, or Kanban
  • Microservices: Hybrid Monolith, Isolated Services, Disparate Data Sources
  • Distributed Systems: Design, Caching, CQRS, Message Driven, large-scale processing
  • Cloud-Based Systems: Hybrid On-Prem, Lambdas, Elastic Scaling, Resiliency
  • Designing new systems: From scratch, adapting legacy, design thinking
  • Design Patterns: MVP, Viper, Gang of Four, Async, Distributed, Responsive Services

HomeAdvisor is the self-contained operating business of ANGI HomeServices (NASDAQ: ANGI), a federation of spirited technology companies that build for a better economy. In 2017, Angie's List and HomeAdvisor combined to create the world's largest home services marketplace. We love the software that we invent, the millions of service professionals whom we empower and the hundreds of millions of homeowners whose lives we beautify. As a purposeful technology company, we foster a culture of collaboration, and nurture growth through innovation. We are proud to be recognized as a Top Workplace in Denver for 6 years and counting!

Compensation & Benefits:
  • The salary band for this position ranges from 120k -185k, commensurate with experience and performance.
  • This position will be eligible for a competitive year end performance bonus & equity package.
  • Full medical, dental, vision package to fit your needs
  • Flexible vacation policy; work hard and take time when you need it
  • Pet discount plans & retirement plan with company match (401K)
  • The rare opportunity to work with sharp, motivated teammates solving some of the most unique challenges and changing the world

Job ID: HomeAdvisor-5096575002
Employment Type: Other