Katy Reddin
Katy Reddin grew up in Dallas, TX, but has since become an east coast convert. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from The University of Virginia, and then decided to take a victory lap the next year, leaving after having earned her Master’s degree in English. She now works in Corporate PR at one of the top five public relations firms in Manhattan, where being on all forms of social networking at work (at once) is luckily a part of her job.

byKaty Reddin
How to Deal: You're "The Bad Roommate"

byKaty Reddin
How to Deal: Living on a Budget

byKaty Reddin
How to Deal: When You're Too Stressed to De-Stress

byKaty Reddin
How to Deal: Your Job Sucks

byKaty Reddin
How to Deal: Being a Grown-up—Without a Grown-up Plan

byKaty Reddin
How to Deal: Where’s the Fax Machine Again?