This article is from our friends at LearnVest, a leading site for women and their money.
Should you keep things professional when you show up to the interview? Actually, maybe not, according to a new study.
A study published in American Sociological Review found that—especially for new graduates—hiring managers place more weight on your likability than your skills.
Researchers interviewed 120 professionals involved in undergraduate and graduate hiring at elite U.S. banks, law firms, and consulting firms, and it turns out that personal feelings of comfort and excitement for a given candidate were ranked higher than confidence in cognitive and technical skills.
But wait, perhaps this isn’t as groundbreaking as it seems. Notice that this applied to undergraduate and graduate hiring. This is the level where, sure, prospective employees need a baseline of skills. But employers are looking for a good fit for the firm, at which point they will invest in training the new hire.
So, new graduates should definitely make sure to brush up on their people skills—like improving communications skills. And those who have acquired more skills and have been working longer? Well, it can’t hurt.
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