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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Work Relationships

Early Birds Are More Likely to Send a Grammatically-Correct, Typo-Free Email (So, Send That Email in the AM)

It’s a pretty common scenario: You need to reply to an email or finish up a report, but you’re exhausted. You stare, bleary-eyed, at the clock and think: Should I stay up and get it done or wake up early in the morning to tackle it?

Well, according to Grammarly, the data shows that you’ll be better off working on it first thing in the AM, rather than late at night. (Actually, the time of day with the least number of mistakes is in the afternoon—so much for its reputation as a slump.)

You might be wondering why it matters, beyond bragging rights for early birds, of course. Well, if you know the times for (and most common types of) mistakes, you can be on the lookout for them. And just raising your awareness can make you a better writer.

A few other things to keep in mind: People make more mistakes on social media posts than anywhere else. So, since Twitter still doesn’t have an edit button, you’ll want to check those twice.

And, even if you don’t pride yourself on being a grammar expert, you know it’s beneficial to be seen as someone with solid communication skills. So, check out the infographic below to steer clear of the most common mistakes people make.

Infographic courtesy of Grammarly.Photo of person on phone courtesy of Caiaimage/Tom Merton/Getty Images.