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Seeking a Career Where You Can Help Others? Consider Becoming an Agency Owner

Four people sit in an office together reviewing a a sheet of paper together.
Farmers® Insurance Company Insider.
| Courtesy of Canva/The Muse Editors

If you were to ask Dennisse Cepeda, a Farmers Insurance® agency owner, about her plans for the future, she’d share that her goal is to impact one million lives. “I know that with my agency alone, this is a tangible goal,” Cepeda says. But why is Cepeda so confident in her ability to make such a large impact? One reason is because of all the options Farmers® has for consumers. “Farmers has many policy offerings, and that is super important to me because I want to be an agent who can assist everyone—regardless of how long they’ve had insurance,” Cepeda tells us. 

Looking ahead, “I can’t wait to see all the lives that have been impacted due to the great services my agency provides,” Cepeda says. “I have a saying in the office, ‘I have things to do, places to go, people to impact, and money to make!’” Here, Cepeda shares the techniques she’s used to overcome challenges as an agency owner, her advice on adapting to evolving demands, and how Farmers supports her.

Let’s start at the beginning. Can you share some challenges you encountered when you first started your agency and how you overcame them?

When I first opened the doors to my agency, I faced many challenges. Staffing was definitely an issue, as was staying motivated and encouraged while I wasn’t seeing money coming into my agency at that moment. To overcome this, I listened to affirmations and read books that were suggested to me. The number one book that did it for me was The 10X Rule. After reading this, I started executing accordingly, and I was able to go from a negative portfolio to bringing home new business commissions and bonuses.

As you’ve grown your agency, what practices have you found to be the most effective for sustaining the financial health of your business?

I have learned that you have to protect money and money will protect you. In your first few years, you want to watch your expenditure and your profits. I’m a numbers person; I understand that to meet my income goal, I need to sell a certain amount of policies, produce so much in premium, make so much in commission, pay all the business and personal expenses, and manage how much I want to put away for the business and personal savings. This has worked for me so far, and I am still tweaking it as the days—and months—go on.

How do you continuously develop your leadership skills and adapt to the evolving demands of your role as a business owner?

I’m continuously reading and researching. When I was in second grade, my teacher Ms. Anderson always said, “Make sure you always stay up to date with technology, or else you’ll stay behind.” I have taken that advice and run with it because I have seen it firsthand. You only know what you know, and if you don’t know anything, you have nothing.

As a business owner, how do you maintain work-life balance?

There is no such thing as a work-life balance. There will be times when you’ll have to sacrifice some of your personal time to ensure the survival of your business. There will also be times when you don’t need to be at the office because you have staff in place who can help you hold it down.

What do you like to do for fun?

For fun, I enjoy family nights, quiet time, and spending time with my close friends.

Next, let’s talk more about Farmers. How does Farmers continue to support you as a business owner?

Farmers has great staff in place who want to see you win. Everyone is here to truly help you get to the next level. You just have to show up and show out, and you’ll get back what you put in.

What advice do you have for those who are interested in becoming their own boss and opening a Farmers Insurance agency one day?

All it takes is truly believing in yourself and envisioning yourself as the next agent who will take the world by storm. You got this—and you have a great team to support you every step of the way!