It’s the final countdown!
No really, you have a very short period time until your deadline—and you have a lot of work to get done. How can you get yourself pumped? Try one (or all) of these tips to psych yourself up and power through before the buzzer sounds.
- Hey, people don’t listen to “Eye of the Tiger” all the time for nothing. Check out these 30 songs to get focused and excited to finish your project. (Lifehack)
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re cutting it close and need an extra hand. (Forbes)
- Don’t allow yourself to procrastinate or get off-task by getting rid of every possible distraction around you. Yes, that means logging off Facebook and temporarily turning off your phone. (Marissa Bracke)
- Desk restlessness is a real thing, so consider doing your work somewhere other than your cubicle. (Fast Company)
- Even within a single task, it’s important to prioritize—especially if you’re on a deadline. Let’s face it: Some parts of this project are more crucial than others. (Marie Forleo)
- By changing how you feel about the project you’re completing, you can completely change how quickly and efficiently you finish it. (Psychology Today)
- Need to get in the zone faster? Try one of these quick six strategies for setting yourself up for success. (ThoughtStuff)
- Try these 12 exercises that you can do in the office to get your blood pumping. (The Washington Post)
- Uh oh, you’re going to miss your deadline. Here’s how to handie it. (The Daily Muse)