Whether it’s the copywriter who incessantly talks to you about her family drama or the account executive who steals food from the company fridge, we’ve all dealt with annoying co-workers in the office at some point or another.
Of course, colleagues who drive you crazy also pose a problem: How do you deal with them without leaving a bad impression?
Have no fear, because we’ve searched the great depths of the web to find the best resources on handling those pesky people in the office. You’ll be a work relationships master in no time.
- Trust me, you’re not alone: Here are the 15 most annoying co-workers ever (and, shocker: Everyone deals with them). (LinkedIn)
- Building on that, there are definitely ways to handle each individual infuriating co-worker case; it’s not one-size-fits-all. (DailyWorth)
- If you’re worried that you’re the only person dealing with a frustrating colleague, don’t be; research found that one in eight people leave a job due to “incivility.” (Entrepreneur)
- It’s easy to reach a breaking point with loud, gossipy colleagues, so drown them out with these five awesome apps. (Fast Company)
- Sometimes when you’re dealing with an obnoxious team member, it’s best to find a bigger enemy. (Inc.)
- If you’re dealing with a perpetually late co-worker, here’s the fix you’ve always been waiting for: the Whisky Rule. (Lifehacker)
- Obviously, it’s easy to be annoyed with other people, but it’s also important to take a step back and think about what irritating office habits you have that drive others crazy. (Forbes)
- All in all, look on the bright side: Your co-worker isn’t as awful as David Thorne. (Elite Daily)
Need more help dealing with annoyances in the office? Check out some of our suggestions!