We know if we want to achieve something, we have to do something.
But maybe the actions you take aren’t getting you the results you want.
So, here are seven things you should start doing for yourself today, because they’ll give you the success you want tomorrow.
1. Start Taking Ownership
Most people have excuses, or need to blame others when things aren’t working out.
But, true success happens when we take responsibly and don’t make excuses, when we’re accountable for our actions and don’t blame others, and when we say, “If it’s going to happen, it will happen because I made it happen.” Excuses will always be there for you, but opportunities won’t.
2. Start Being More Focused
If you want to succeed, you have to stop being distracted by everything around you and be more focused on what you want to achieve. Your distractions are wasting your time, and keeping you from being focused.
Embrace tunnel vision to do what you have to do and get it done. When you focus on what you want, everything else falls away. Stay focused on whatever you want to do, and don’t doubt yourself. Focus means we have to follow one course until we’re successful. Stop getting distracted by the things that have nothing to do with your goals.
3. Start Fighting for What You Want
Some will succeed because they’re destined to, but most succeed because they fight for what they want. To achieve something significant, you have to be fearless in pursuit of what you want to achieve. And even if nobody believes in what you’re doing, you have to do what it takes to make it happen—you have to be determined, and you have to have tenacity.
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in the person who’s determined. Don’t be afraid to give yourself everything you ever wanted in life.
4. Start Engaging With People You Admire
Having people you admire and look up to in your life can be a great resource for learning and motivation.
Start hanging out with people who’re dependable and reliable. Always choose relationships based on respect and trust, and make sure that their words match their actions and deeds.
If you want to get ahead, one of the best ways to do this is to find out from others how they got where they are. I don’t think that people take enough time to tell others who inspire them what an impact they make on their lives.
5. Start Being More Disciplined
Discipline gives us the freedom to put all our focus into achieving our goals. But, it becomes increasingly harder to be disciplined in a world that’s in constant distraction and relies on instant gratification, and thus sometimes our long-term goals get put off.
Discipline is simply choosing between what you want now and what you want most. And the truth is, anyone who ever did anything important was disciplined.
6. Start Making Happiness a Priority
What’s important to you must be made a priority. Don’t waste another second on the things that drain your energy or make you feel fatigued—start noticing what makes you feel happiest and work hard on achieving it.
Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy. Sometimes the things we’re most afraid of are the things that make us the happiest. Become the person who’s in pursuit of happiness.
7. Start Being Grateful
Feeling grateful is one of the most medicinal emotions we can feel. It elevates your mood, and it fills you with happiness.
If we’re going to be successful, we have to start being grateful for the things that happen in our life, no matter how good or bad each of us has it. You have to start making it a practice to be grateful for your life, because the truth is, we often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Life isn’t about having what we want. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.
This article was originally published on Inc. It has been republished here with permission.