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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Break Room

10 Reasons to Love Working in DC

Anyone who's worked in DC can tell you—there's a lot that's awesome about this city. We beat out our northern neighbor New York in the weather and rent department, and who has a subway system as clean as we do?

Read on for more reasons we love working in the nation's capital, and tell us in the comments section, what made you fall in love with DC?

1. Celebrity sightings on your lunch hour are a little different here than in other cities.


Photo courtesy of spirit of america / Shutterstock.

2. Lunchtime conversations sound more like presidential debates.


3. You often have a good reason for being late to work. ("Sorry, boss, my street was blocked by the motorcade.")


Photo courtesy of Jason Ippolito.

4. People (OK, government employees) actually leave work at 5...


5. going to happy hour is totally doable.


6. What's that? Oh, just your neighbor's house.


7. You can go to a club in your work outfit and be appropriately dressed.


8. When chatting about current events in the break room, people actually know what they're talking about (and sometimes, have information even the news didn't).


9. It's actually very clean—even the Metro.


10. Don't feel like taking the Metro to work? You can bikeshare instead.


Photo courtesy of James Schwartz.

Want a job in DC? Check out these companies that are hiring now!

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Photos courtesy of Shutterstock.