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Product Marketing Manager Salaries near Houston, TX

Average Base Salary


Min: $48KMax: $212K

As a Product Marketing Manager in Houston, TX, you'll have access to a city filled with opportunities for growth and success. With its thriving economy and diverse industries, Houston offers a multitude of companies looking for talented individuals to help them bring their products to market. Whether you're interested in tech, oil and gas, healthcare, or any other sector, there's a good chance you'll find a company that aligns with your skills and interests. As a Product Marketing Manager, you'll have the chance to use your strategic thinking, creativity, and communication skills to drive the success of your company's products. From conducting market research to developing marketing campaigns, you'll play a vital role in the company's success by ensuring that the right product is reaching the right audience. Houston is truly a city that presents endless opportunities for a Product Marketing Manager looking for a rewarding career.

Product Marketing Manager Jobs near Houston, TX