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Marketing Coordinator Salaries near Dallas, TX

Average Base Salary


Min: $35KMax: $124K

If you're in the marketing field and looking for a new opportunity in Dallas, Texas, you're in luck! The role of a Marketing Coordinator can open up a wide range of possibilities for professional growth and development. As a Marketing Coordinator, you'll have the chance to work with a variety of teams and departments to help develop and implement strategic marketing plans and campaigns. You'll also have the opportunity to work on both traditional and digital marketing initiatives, allowing you to gain a well-rounded skill set that's in high demand in today's job market. In addition, Dallas is a thriving city with a strong business community, making it an ideal location for marketing professionals looking to make their mark. So if you're ready to take the next step in your marketing career, consider exploring the opportunities available as a Marketing Coordinator in Dallas, TX.

Marketing Coordinator Jobs near Dallas, TX